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Hard and soft tissue management for achieving aesthetic balance

【IFDC Course 03】Dr. YANO

Hard and soft tissue management for achieving aesthetic balance

Hard and soft tissue management for achieving aesthetic balance

Mar 11, 2024


  • 06:56~Anatomical features of periodontium and natural dentition
  • 12:35~Evaluation criteria of anterior aesthetics
  • 22:15~Hard and soft tissue management for achieving aesthetic balance

Institute of Science Tokyo (Science Tokyo) was established on October 1, 2024, following the merger between Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) and Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech), with the mission of “Advancing science and human wellbeing to create value for and with society.”

*For a list of other International Faculty Development Courses videos, click here*

Improving the aesthetics of anterior teeth can have a positive impact on patients, both socially and psychologically.
In daily practice, prosthetic approaches are one method, however, there are other ways to achieve aesthetic improvement.
For example, in many cases, soft tissue management is used to improve the aesthetics of gingiva.
In this presentation, I would like to cover the following points:

・Anatomical features of natural dentition and periodontium
・Evaluation criteria of anterior aesthetics
・Hard and soft tissue management for achieving aesthetic balance

First of all, having basic knowledge of anatomical and histological features of natural teeth and periodontium helps us to understand anterior morphology.
The aesthetics level can be evaluated by plotting each anatomical position and checking its symmetry and continuity to adjacent teeth.

However, anterior aesthetics can be compromised for various reasons, including loss of periodontal tissue caused by periodontitis or after tooth extraction, caries, nonconforming prostheses, or pathological tooth movement.
In this presentation, I will introduce a case where the aesthetic appearance of the anterior teeth was restored from a combined periodontal and prosthetic treatment approach for a patient who had poor anterior aesthetics due to periodontitis.

[What the audience can learn from this content]
・Anatomical features of periodontium and natural dentition
・Evaluation criteria of anterior aesthetics
・Hard and soft tissue management for achieving aesthetic balance

Speaker: Kose YANO, DDS, PhD, Part-time lecturer at Science Tokyo, Director of LOTUS DENTAL CLINIC.
Produced by Science Tokyo in collaboration with Doctorbook Global Academy © 2024


【IFDC Course 03】Dr. YANO

Hard and soft tissue management for achieving aesthetic balance

【IFDC Course 03】Dr. YANO

Hard and soft tissue management for achieving aesthetic balance

Hard and soft tissue management for achieving aesthetic balance

Mar 11, 2024