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Hidetoshi Aimiya

Hidetoshi Aimiya

Fukiage Minami Dentistry Director Hidetoshi AIMIYA, DDS

About me

[Brief personal history] 2004 Graduated from Aichi Gakuin University School of Dentistry 2004- Joined the Department of Dental Radiology, Aichi Gakuin University School of Dentistry 2004-2015 Worked at the Futamura Clinic, Medical Corporation Shiseikai 2015 Opened Fukiage Minami Dental Clinic  2019 Obtained Doctor of Dentistry  Up to the present [Academic affiliations, qualifications and positions] Japanese Society of Maxillofacial Articulation Certified Doctor / Osseointegration Study Club of Japan Regular Member / Japanese Society of Oral Implantology Specialist Doctor / Japanese Society of Periodontology / Japanese Society of Clinical Periodontology / Japanese Society of Clinical Dentistry / JIPI (Japanese Institute of Periodontology & Implantology) / NOAH (NOAH) Implantology) / President of NOAH (Nagoya Association of Clinical Articulation) [Awards, publications, papers, etc.] Oct 2017 The Quintessence: a proposal for implant overdenture for the quality of life of the elderly Aug 2018 Practicality of Full Prosthodontic Treatment with MTM for Patients with Extensive Moderate Chronic Periodontitis (Dental World View) Dec 2018 Clinical Square Case Pre-Advice (Dental Diamonds Dental Diamonds) Apr 2019 Thesis Stability of voxel values in dental cone-beam CT May 2019 Effective use of the Gothic arch (The Quintessence Quintessence Publishing) Apr 2020 Three treatment strategies for implant overdenture (Quintessence Implantology) Feb 2021 The Quintessence Special Issue on Quality of Life for the Elderly: A Proposal for Implant Overdenture. Mar 2021 Treatment strategies for the next move Dental World Outlook Special issue