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BASIC Bonded Restoration 1 (All Videos)

Dr. Uchiyama Course 06

BASIC Bonded Restoration 1

BASIC Bonded Restoration 1 (All Videos)

Jan 19, 2023


  • 00:20~#1 Bonded Restoration, the advantages of using micro for bonding
  • 11:40~#2 Enamel Preservation & Selective Etching, clinical case (caries removal)#3 Composite Resin Filling, clinical case (resin filling)
  • 25:47~#3 Composite Resin Filling, clinical case (resin filling)
  • 39:28~#4 Bulk Fill, Clinical case (lining to resin filling)
  • 53:32~#5 Tunneling Technique, clinical case (retreatment of adjacent CR)
  • 1:07:14~#6 Clinical case (Retreatment of adjacent CR), strength of Composite Resin

This video includes all of the following videos from Course06 BASIC Bonded Restoration 1.

[#1 Bonded Restoration, the advantages of using micro for bonding]
The recent development and evolution of materials has made bonding more complex, and it is difficult to know what to use for indirect restorations as well. First of all, he talked about the clinical selection criteria of CR, inlay, or table top venner, based on the evidence of physical properties.

[#2 Enamel Preservation & Selective Etching, clinical case (caries removal)#3 Composite Resin Filling, clinical case (resin filling)]
In resin filling, bonding is a very important step to determine the prognosis of treatment. Dr. Uchiyama introduces the advantages of Selective Etching and the instruments and materials he uses for caries removal and bonding pretreatment, citing the literature.
In the latter half of the video, Dr. Uchiyama talks about the recent transition of the bonding system, including his episodes about the complexity of the former bonding system. Please check the video.

[#3 Composite Resin Filling, clinical case (resin filling)]
Although the 2-step system is superior to the 1-step system in terms of bond strength, this does not mean that the 1-step system is useless. He explains the cases in which the universal system should be used.
It is not only the bonding system that has developed in recent years. The physical properties of composite resins have also made great strides, with some flow-type products having physical properties superior to those of pastes. Among such composite resins, Dr. Uchiyama introduces his favorite products.
Please enjoy the detailed explanation of the physical properties of the most frequently used composite resins and watch the video of Dr. Uchiyama's resin filling operation.

[#4 Bulk Fill, Clinical case (lining to resin filling)]
In the past, it was a major idea that free enamel should be removed when removing caries, but with the development of dental materials and the spread of the concept of MI, it has become possible to preserve tooth structure by performing Bulk Fill.
Dr. Uchiyama introduces the products suitable for Bulk Fill and also explains in detail the irradiation depth of the irradiator, which varies greatly depending on the product. Please take a look at the videos of a series of cases to see how each product is used.

[#5 Tunneling Technique, clinical case (retreatment of adjacent CR)]
Although the magnified field of view provides a much better view than the naked eye, there are some points to keep in mind.
In the first half of the video, you can see the points to keep in mind when filling under such a microscope, as well as morphological correction, occlusal adjustment, and polishing.
In addition, the main points of the Tunneling Technique, which is used without destroying the occlusal surface morphology, are explained in the video.
The second half of the video shows the retreatment of CR on adjacent surfaces, which is often seen in clinical practice.
The video also includes tips on infiltration anesthesia and techniques for removing subgingival caries.

[#6 Clinical case (Retreatment of adjacent CR), strength of Composite Resin]
Every dentist has experienced the guttation of a caries during removal. Even in such cases, there is no need to panic if the procedure is performed under a rubber dam.
In the video, he explains the key points of the MTA cement covering, the subsequent bonding operation, and the filling sequence. In a series of videos, you can see the process from pre-treatment to filling, occlusal adjustment, and polishing. Please take a look.


Dr. Uchiyama Course 06

BASIC Bonded Restoration 1

BASIC Bonded Restoration 1 (All Videos)

Jan 19, 2023