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Anesthesia (All Videos)

Dr. Uchiyama Course 04


Anesthesia (All Videos)

Jan 19, 2023


  • 00:20~#1 Pain-free infiltration anesthesia
  • 12:01~#2 Various methods of infiltration anesthesia
  • 24:35~#3 Various methods of administering transmissible anesthesia

This video includes all of the following videos from Course04 Anesthesia.

[#1 Pain-free infiltration anesthesia]
Infiltration anesthesia is one of the most patient-unfriendly medical procedures, even though it is performed for most dental procedures. We want to reduce the burden on patients as much as possible.
In #1, he carefully explains the pharmacological effects and physiological characteristics of infiltration anesthesia and analyzes the reasons why patients do not like it in actual clinical practice and the countermeasures against it.

[#2 Various methods of infiltration anesthesia]
Do you have trouble with patients who have difficulty with infiltration anesthesia?
In #2, you have an explanation focusing on the actual method of administering it. Using diagrams and actual clinical videos, he explains in an easy-to-understand manner the countermeasures to be taken when there is inflammation in the tissues, points to keep in mind for mandibular foramen transfer anesthesia, and positioning methods, so you can immediately apply the content in your clinical practice from tomorrow.

[#3 Various methods of administering transmissible anesthesia]
#3 is the application of transfer anesthesia. If you have the knowledge and skills to provide transfer anesthesia to the infraorbital foramen, incisal foramen, and foramen magnum, you can provide a more painless treatment during surgical procedures in the maxilla. You will learn the anatomical features, the range of effects that can be given, and how to actually do it.


Dr. Uchiyama Course 04


Anesthesia (All Videos)

Jan 19, 2023