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Borderline of Posterior Direct Restorations and Onlay Overlay

【Watch a free sample video】Borderline of Posterior Direct Restorations and Onlay Overlay

Nov 15, 2023


    Sample movies of Borderline of Posterior Direct Restorations and Onlay Overlay.

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    Direct bonding is a treatment method that is in high demand among patients due to its ability to achieve color consistency with natural teeth and its advantages of minimal invasiveness and shorter treatment duration.
    In recent years, with improvements in material properties, the immediate post-treatment outcomes and short-term prognosis have become less dependent on the surgeon's skill.
    On the other hand, patients have high expectations for direct bonding, and in the future, the mid-trem and long-term prognosis will ultimately determine the reliability of this treatment method.
    In this lecture, you will learn how to set and form the borders of direct bonding from the view of the mid-term and long-term prognosis.

    The lecture is remarkable for its extensive presentation of over 10 case studies.
    These cases demonstrate the long-term progress of patients, ranging from 5 years to 10 years.

    In the first half of the video, Dr.Aoshima discusses the techniques used to minimize deformation in the direct bonding process, illustrated by a detailed case of maxillary premolars.
    Based on the evidence, Dr.Aoshima emphasizes the significance of minimizing drilling of the enamel ridge during the process of formation of abutment tooth.
    In addition, Dr.Aoshima also mentioned that it is important to consider the directions of enamel rods in the formation from the view of long-term prognosis.
    In addition, Dr.Aoshima explains how to drill the occlusal surfaces and marginal ridges, how to deal with the enamel rods, and how to apply bevels.

    In daily clinical practice, it is often difficult to choose between direct bonding and ceramic restorations.
    In this video, Dr.Aoshima mentioned the difficulty of long-term maintenance of direct bonding.
    Furthermore, detailed explanations are provided regarding the criteria for deciding whether to cover or leave the exposed occlusal surfaces, based on factors such as the width of the isthmus and the inflation plane.

    The second half of the video focuses on a specific case that required retreatment from direct bonding to onlay-overlay in a mandibular molar and its long-term progress.
    Based on his knowledge and experience, Dr. Aoshima now treats many cases with onlay-overlay.
    In the video, you can see the process from parametric preparation to bonding through actual case images.

    The video also covers the bonding of the onlay-overlay using heat-cured composite resin.
    Resin heating equipment, pressure-induced equipment, and the bonding and pressure bonding methods are introduced in the case videos.

    This video, with abundant cases and comprehensive references, is highly valuable for young doctors seeking to enhance their knowledge of direct bonding.
    It's my pleasure to invite you to take a look at it.

    Borderline of Posterior Direct Restorations and Onlay Overlay

    【Watch a free sample video】Borderline of Posterior Direct Restorations and Onlay Overlay

    Nov 15, 2023