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【Free to Watch】Digitalization - new era of dentistry

【Free to Watch】Digitalization - new era of dentistry


    Sample video of "Digitalization - new era of dentistry" by Dr. Nazariy.

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    The following is an excerpt from the beginning of the video:

    Dear colleagues, my name is Dr. Nazariy Mykhaylyuk and I am more than happy today to share with you our team's experience how we implemented the digital workflow in our daily practice and how we started cooperation between the clinic and the lab even though there is a huge distance between locations. 
    And the topic of today's presentation is the digitalization. It's a really new era of dentistry and we will speak about how all this new technology can actually help us to improve the workflow and also the raise quality of the work for our patients. 
    But before I start with the topic itself I would like to introduce myself. My name is Nazariy Mykhaylyuk and I'm a prosthodontist.
     I graduated in 2010 and at the beginning I was doing everything, example direct, indirect, even endodontics. 
    But later on I have interested in the prosthetic dentistry and starting from 2011, I was fully focused on the Prosthodontic treatment. 
    Also from 2010, I started using microscope in my daily practice because I truly believe that magnification brings way more control for the clinician once we are working with the patient because the details that we see it's a completely different level. 
    So today again I will try to show you how we combine both the microscopic dentistry and the digital workflow. 
    How they actually complete each other in a really good way. But as you all know it's very difficult to be a good prosthodontist if you don't have a good technician by your side. 
    And sometimes I'm joking that many Prosthodontists have a chance to change their dental technician but I cannot change mine because mine is my father and I'm really honored to cooperate with him and because you know it doesn't matter how good you are as a Prosthodontist but you will not be able to achieve anything if you don't have a good dental technician and a good team overall.
    And at the beginning you know my father was doing metal crowns then he was doing metal ceramic crowns, then there was era of pressing ceramics, and then in 2016 we together decided to move to the digital workflow. 
    And again today we will also share with you the details how we manage the digital workflow in the lab and we will show you the videos of all of the procedures from that workflow.

    【Free to Watch】Digitalization - new era of dentistry

    【Free to Watch】Digitalization - new era of dentistry