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Shogo Maekawa

Shogo Maekawa

Affiliation: Department of Periodontology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, TMDU

About me

[Experience] 2010: D.D.S. in Faculty of Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) 2013–2016: Clinical Assistant in Department of Periodontology, TMDU Hospital 2016: Ph.D. in Periodontology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Medicine, TMDU 2016–2018: Clinical Fellow in Department of Periodontology, TMDU Hospital 2018–2019: Specially-appointed Assistant Professor in Department of Periodontology, TMDU Hospital 2020 Jan. – Dec.: Visiting Research Scholar in Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, University of Michigan School of Dentistry, supported by Osteology Foundation 2021 Jan. – 2022 Mar.: Visiting Research Scholar in Department of Oral Medicine, Infection, and Immunity, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, supported by Osteology Foundation (until Apr. 2021) and Uehara Memorial Foundation (until Mar. 2022) 2022 Jan. – 2022 Aug.: Part-time Faculty in Division of Periodontology, Department of Oral Medicine, Infection, and Immunity, Harvard School of Dental Medicine 2022 Apr. – Aug.: Research Fellow in Department of Oral Medicine, Infection, and Immunity, Harvard School of Dental Medicine (paid by Harvard School of Dental Medicine) 2022 Sep. – present: Assistant Professor in Department of Periodontology, TMDU [Awards] 2017: Best Clinical Research Award at National Symposium in Osteology Japan 2018: Best Clinical Research Award at JACP/JSP Poster Session, The 104th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology 2020: The finalist of case presentation competition in Virtual Osteology Symposium USA 2020 2020: Encouragement Award from Japanese Society of Periodontology (JSP) 2021: The finalist of research presentation competition in the 50th Meeting of the AADR 2022: Best Case Presentation Award at JSP Poster Clinical Competition, The 66th Annual Meeting of JSP [Qualifications] Board certified Periodontist by Japanese Society of Periodontology (JSP) [Positions in study groups, conferences, etc.] [Executive] Literature Review Committee, the Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology [Member] Japanese Society of Periodontology Japanese Academy of Clinical Periodontology American Academy of Periodontology International Association for Dental Research International Team for Implantology [Lectures (Oral presentation) at academic conferences, seminars, etc.] [Paper presentation]