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Comprehensive Abutment Procedure 2 (All Videos)

Dr. Uchiyama Course 12

Comprehensive Abutment Procedure 2

Comprehensive Abutment Procedure 2 (All Videos)

Jan 19, 2023


  • 00:19~#1 Comprehensive Abutment Procedure on Molars
  • 12:48~#2 Caviton to CAP day2 and beyond Treatment flow from RCT to core

This video includes all of the following videos from Course12 Comprehensive Abutment Procedure 2.

[#1 Comprehensive Abutment Procedure on Molars]
The #1 video first briefly reviews the concept of the Comprehensive abutment procedure, which was also explained in the anterior section. After that, the actual treatment is explained in a flow chart. The video explains the entire process, from the removal of the rubber dam, removal of the crown core, and caries treatment of the treated tooth and adjacent teeth, to the creation of the bulkhead and preparation of the environment for root canal treatment, all using a microscope. The reasons for removing the crowns and cores after rubber dam damming and the data on bonding are also explained in detail.

[#2 Caviton to CAP day2 and beyond Treatment flow from RCT to core]
The #2 video shows the formation based on the CAP concept after the creation of the septum, the adjustment of the provisional, the root canal treatment, the bonding operation in the post and core, and the state of the final abutment tooth formation.


Dr. Uchiyama Course 12

Comprehensive Abutment Procedure 2

Comprehensive Abutment Procedure 2 (All Videos)

Jan 19, 2023